Italian Graphic Design
Lecture for the students of the Savannah College
of Art and Design of Hong Kong.
Italian Graphic Design
Lecture for the students of the Savannah College of Art and Design of Hong Kong.
scad hong kong
Italian Graphic Design
Lecture, A4
82 pages
2017 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
scad hong kong2017 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
scad hong kong2017 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
scad hong kong2017 © Nicola-Matteo Munari
Italian Graphic Design was a lecture given in 2017 to the students of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) of Hong Kong, on invitation of Professor Gianluca Cinquepalmi.

The lecture focused on sharing the understanding of graphic design in Italy, illustrating the fundamental stages in the history of Italian graphic design and typography, also showing the aesthetic and cultural connections with the work of foreign designers.

The presentation starts from the 1930s—focusing in particular on 1933 as crucial year in the history of Italian graphic design—moving back and forth to discuss historical typography, 19th century poster art, modernism, and post-modern design.

—Nicola-Matteo Munari

SCAD, Hong Kong

Prof. Gianluca Cinquepalmi

Nicola-Matteo Munari

Project Date